Sunday, October 10, 2010

Meet By Chance in Starbucks

You can not be more lucky if in a lonely day, you meet your favorite man in your favorite place. Yes, I met one of my favorite guys in one of my favorite places. Feeling to lonely from long vacation of my wife and tired from the long weekend (thanksgiving), I decided to go to Starbucks to have a fresh coffee and to review the slides of my talk in October 19. 
You can't imagine what happened. Phelim Boyle, the famous finance professor, entered and ordered a coffee. I couldn't help showing myself to him. I stood up waving hands. He saw me and came to my table. We shook hands. He picked up his coffee and we started talking about finance.
Not only my loneliness disappears, but also I got more impression to work the rest of the day. Consequently, it's always good to have an affectionate famous professor in the the small town like Waterloo who you can meet him almost surely , like a Brownian motion.

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